Sunday, December 23, 2007

Fire And Smoke

Why can a lot of fire make smoke and the smoke hurt people?


Talia said...

Could You Please Tell Me

Talia said...

If You Tell Me I Won't Ask 4 More Ansers 4 This Qaustion.Please tell me
Thank U.!

Bas~Melech said...

Don't know the answer to the first part offhand, but smoke hurts people because it keeps their lungs from getting oxygen, which we need in order to keep our bodies working.

Talia said...

Thanks 4 telling me that

Leah Goodman said...

Fire uses oxygen as part of its fuel. Like when humans breathe, it turns the oxygen, which was breathable O2, into CO2 (carbon dioxide), which is not breathable for humans.

Smoke has a lot of carbon dioxide in it and not enough oxygen. If you breathe in a lot of smoke, your lungs get filled with something your body can't use. Your lungs don't know how to turn Carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen.

Since your brain needs oxygen to work right, if you don't get enough, you will get sick and die, much like when someone drowns.

Please go back to asking your questions. I will be linking to your blog and checking in every day!

I met you when you were in Modiin (at Ben & Bethami's shul)

Talia said...


why do it bad for you?